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Roxanne Emery: “Trance is such a huge part of my life”

Interview with the amazing Roxanne Emery

Roxanne Emery’s voice is unmistakable, appearing on incredible tracks from Aly & Fila, Dash Berlin, Luke Bond, becoming one of the genre’s most loved vocalists. Roxanne’s career extends far beyond singing. She is a songwriter, and is part of the management team for brother, Gareth Emery.

We caught up with Roxanne in an in-depth phone interview that took place in our Sydney office and fired away with questions on her singing career, ATLANTIS, we found out which vocalists inspire her, and she shared what trance means to her.

She first shared with us on how incredibly excited she is for her upcoming Aussie debut at ATLANTIS this weekend.

“This is my first time in Australia, my debut performing in Australia and my first time performing a whole set. In all honesty, one of the things that I can’t wait to see are the fans. In the past year or so, I would often be tagged in Instagram videos of Dash Berlin or Luke Bond playing one of our collaborations, and the crowd singing along was just mind-blowing, and I can’t wait to experience that.”

Roxanne is planning to explore Sydney and Melbourne on her days off.

“I’ll definitely be spending some time in both Sydney and Melbourne, there’s so much to see and ill get to hopefully see a bit of the nightlife, go out for dinner – I’m a massive foodie! I’ll have to of course go and see the beach too!”

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And mentioned briefly about her upcoming ATLANTIS performance.

“Basically I’m going to be doing a 30 minute set, performing with all the instrumental versions of the tracks that I’ve worked with, plus maybe add an acoustic number in there – it should be an absolute incredible show!”

The incredible vocalist will be sharing the stage with trance legend Paul van Dyk, and trance hereos MaRLo, Driftmoon and Mark Sixma at ATLANTIS.

“Well it’s such an amazing lineup. That’s one of the reasons I said yes to it. When I saw the line..i just thought, oh my gosh…Paul van Dyk is a Trance legend, you can’t say no to that, and all the other names involved are all amazing in trance, releasing great stuff at the moment.”

She shared some great memories with Aly & Fila and brother Gareth Emery.

“I have an amazing memory of seeing Aly & Fila at Brixton at a DJ Mag party, and I was on the side of the stage, and when Fadi went to play his ‘On Fire’ remix he got me up on stage…it was just mind-blowing to have that track playing and to be with the person who created it.”

“With Gareth, I’m so lucky to have that person in my life, I pretty much go to every Gareth show that I can. He recently played at A State Of Trance in Utrecht and when he played ‘Soldier’, he got me up on stage, and we were singing along together, took a selfie – it was such a huge, amazing trance family crowd. There’s been so many memories with him, and hopefully many more to come.”

Roxanne with brother Gareth at ASOT Utrecht
Roxanne with brother Gareth at ASOT Utrecht


We found out which artists inspire her these days.

“I’m an absolute huge trance fan, I listen to so much vocal trance. I’m a big fan of Emma Hewitt, Christina Novelli, Jano. I’m always listening to A State Of Trance on Thursdays, and always hear what other vocalists are currently doing. I also listen to a lot of acoustic music and go to a lot of ‘open mic’ nights here in London, where people just jump on stage with a guitar and perform a few songs – I love both genres”

Roxanne also provided us some great advice for upcoming vocalists in Australia.

“Be open to who you work with, be open to collaborations, and reach out to work with people. Get use to the fact that you’re going to get rejections, but for every nine rejections, there’s a person that says yes, and you just have to keep going, and really do believe that it will happen to you one day.”

We found out a bit more on how she started her singing career.

“I have always been musical, I play piano, clarinet, and other musical instruments. I started writing songs when I was around 22, I kept going to a lot of ‘open mic nights’ and got picked up by a major company, and that’s kind of where it all started for me.”

“I remember living in a flat in London and I really wished to have a piano, but I couldn’t put one in my flat so I bought a guitar, and I taught myself how to play a guitar. Whilst teaching myself, rather than playing other peoples songs, I was writing my own songs and playing them.”

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With Gareth and Roxanne being heavily involved in the music scene, we asked if she came from a very musical family.

“No not at all, both my parents were teachers. What I think my parents did amazingly is that they gave us piano lessons, we had a piano in the house, and they were really encouraging. Both Gareth and I at the age of 4 or 5 played the piano, they always gave us that opportunity to be able to learn.”

What does Trance mean to Roxanne Emery?

“Trance is such a huge part of my life, growing up with Gareth I was always going to the clubs with him, listening to that music. When I started getting myself into the vocals, the openness of the people was amazing. I kept receiving all these positive messages, tweets and emails – It’s so encouraging getting all the support from that fan-base and changed my opinion of the genre.”

“Trance has taken over my life, in terms of work and socials, but it’s incredible.”

Time to start the countdown to what is set to be one of the biggest trance events in Australia…Get ready to experience ATLANTIS, a truly special evening with Roxanne Emery, trance legend Paul van Dyk, plus trance heroes MaRLo, Mark Sixma, and Driftmoon.

“Thank you so much for l the support, I’m so excited to get out there, it’s going to be great.”

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Written by Miguel Ramirez

My name is Miguel, and i'm a trance addict.

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